Invitation to the 1st Forró Teachers Congress in Europe,
Over the past 3 years, Terra started to develop an exchange between the Forró teachers who participated in the Forró de Domingo Festival. This work has been continued during other festivals, such as the Forró de Colônia Festival and the Forrómania Festival in Portugal. From our perspective and the feedback we received, everyone who took part in it experienced an open and sincere exchange between ‘human beings’, beyond being a teacher or having any other profession, position, or title.
Now, the time has come to turn this pilot project into an event that really matters: Using the opportunity and our power to shape the Forró scene, the Forró movement in Europe, the way we all want it to be: Being inclusive, being a place where we enable a transformative experience and exchange among people; contributing to making the world a better place through Forró. We are the ones who shape opinions in this scene. It’s time to take that responsibility, to get together, and to make this movement even better than what we may observe in society – to seize new options for action and for life.
- What does the European Forró Teacher Congress consist of?
We will have three types of meetings during the day and in the afternoon:
- Group dynamics and movement
- Group work on topics such as:
- Objective / Purpose / Community among teachers
- Forró / Relations / Researching Traditions
- The role of the woman
- Professionalization / Sincerity / Commitment
- Student levels of workshops
- Lack of communication
- Plenary meetings to define results and next steps
At night: party with lots of live music
- How to participate as a Forró teacher at the Congress?
- You teach regular Forró classes, or have done so in the past for a period of more than a year.
- Register for the Congress using this form: All other information about the event can be found there.
- Pay the € 50 registration fee within three working days after registering online, via bank account or via Paypal, and send the payment receipt via E-Mail to
- Either via Bank Account:
Recipient: Jiordano Terra Pasqualini
IBAN: DE34 4306 0967 7003 6041 00
BIC: GENODEM1GLS - Or via Paypal:
- Either via Bank Account: